1. March 2024: Meme Competition
Send in their best Housing First, Diversion, Rapid Resolution, or Problem Solving Conversations Memes. Following the competition, teams and communities can host their own to keep people thinking critically and creatively about these ideas.
2. May 2024: “Trashy vs. Classy” Housing Edition
Can you come up with examples of this viral social media trend about how people view housing? “Trashy vs. Classy” is when people discuss how sometimes the same thing can be viewed entirely differently based on if you are rich or poor.
3. August 2024: Empowerment Film Festival
Come up with the most Empowerment-based scene from a film or television show. What makes it Empowering verses Motivational, Inspiring or just helping another person?
4. October 2024: Musical Chairs
This activity is not going to make you any friends with staff. It was an idea that came from a trainer I worked with in Santa Clara, California. It only takes a few minutes, but for best results try to make it a standard practice. It is particularly useful for people working with shelter guests or in outreach.