Diversion Data Deep-Dive: 2023 Update
In 2021, the last Diversion Data Deep dive examined how Diversion and Rapid Resolution practices were performing in Connecticut. At this time, five years of data from 2016-2020 was available. With updated data through 2023, we can examine how the post-pandemic period may have affected systems and Diversion rates. As explained in the previous article, …
October: Musical Chairs
This activity is not going to make you any friends with staff. It was an idea that came from a trainer I worked with in Santa Clara, California. It only takes a few minutes, but for best results try to make it a standard practice. It is particularly useful for people working with shelter guests…
To Be or Not To Be… In Person
Let me tell you about how the COVID-19 pandemic started for me. I was in New Orleans for a five day training, ending with the Train-the-trainer on Friday. At first, it just felt like distant news. You would here “Did you know they found someone has it in California?” or “Italy is getting hit hard.”…
Real Estate & Housing People?
Last month, I did something a little unexpected. Besides helping folks navigate the best ways for Diversion, Rapid Resolution & Housing Problem Solving to adapt to service community (which is still very much my jam & focus!), I also became a licensed real estate agent ~ Now, you might be wondering, “Wait, what?” Well, the…
Ideas for a Blog Post? Questions? Information about a program in your community you think other communities should hear about?